V21 versions ready


Ready for Vault 2021? We are! The new coolOrange products, supporting Vault 2021, 2020 and 2019, are now ready for download. The products retain the usual compatibility to previous versions, which makes upgrading fast, easy and secure. The version #21 contains all the enhancements made over the past year and you can find details for each product on the wiki in the given changelog section.

One important change is the removal of splash screens. Yep, no more self-promotion :-). 10 years ago, as we started with product development, the splash-screen seemed cool. Meanwhile they are bothering our self. There was some useful information on the splash screens, such as the license expiration period, access to wiki pages and the like. We switched to a more modern way, which is the Windows notification center. So, when our products are started or loaded, a windows notification is shown with information about the license expiration.

Each product has now an entry in the Windows menu with link to the wiki, about, license and logs. So, it’s all still there, but in a way cleaner way.


With the release of powerVault, powerJobs, powerEvents and powerGate, we are proudly adding a new power-tool called powerPLM. powerPLM connects Vault to Autodesk Fusion Manage in the typical coolOrange style. Simple to install, ready to use, and with a lot of flexibility under the hood, in order to address any sort of thinkable custom workflow. We will talk more about powerPLM in the next weeks.

The load tools such as dataLoader, vaultRuler and the bcpToolkit are on the way, but need some more weeks for the final release.

We are excited to see which customers’ requirements will successfully be implemented with the new product line.